Reviews For Seventeen Magazine

Seventeen - More of the Good Stuff

Picking up the newest issue of CosmoGirl, which used to be my favorite magazine, I was somewhat disappointed by the contents. Tons of ads, very few interesting articles and it seemed like flavors of the month with nothing more to do than hocking their new flick were gracing the covers lately.

So, I shopped around and looked at what most people were buying. Having just turned seventeen, I was aware that I was far too old for such bubble-gum confectionaries like Tiger Beat and the like. I wanted something that had both an eye on fashion, hair and make-up, but also something deeper as well. A magazine not afraid to print articles about teens questioning their sexuality (which many still do) or safe sex and date rape.

Not that sex is the only issue out there, but for the average seventeen year old boy or girl it's on the table quite a bit. And yet I didn't want something like Cosmopolitan that only talked about sex and fashion.

Enter: Seventeen Magazine. I'd normally avoided it. It had seemed trashy in the past. It wasn't until flipping to the editorial page that I discovered why Cosmogirl had suddenly dropped in style and Seventeen was now coming up from behind. Atoosa, formally employed at the previous had now taken the helm at the second.

I took out a subscription as part of my birthday money, and so far have been quite pleased. Sure, it does feature girls like Hilary Duff, but the interviews are always responsible. There's less of the "So What's Your Favorite Color and Boy"? type of questions.

I'll admit it: Seventeen has made me a fashion junkie as well. Pair that with its "free stuff" page, one of the things I'd notice disappear from Cosmo Jr. and I was sold.

Another really, really good addition are the monthly "exercise advice" columns which include (healthy, not fad) diet advice, and a pull-out poster showing you some routines you can do to tone up a certain area of your body (legs stomach, etc.). They're not so intensive that you'll sweat (because they emphasize more on toning and light muscle than cardio), and are a great way to start out the day.

There are still plenty of ads, but it's something almost all publications are now forced to run. The thing that's really great about Seventeen is that it's practical: it knows we're not all Supermodels and actresses. Some of us have to deal with less-than-perfect bodies or bank accounts. So it does all recommendations in three tiers: Save, Spend and Splurge, letting you know where you can find the hottest fashions for much, much less.

In short, I think for the aging teen girl that Seventeen really is the ideal magazine: It's fun, but it's also smart.



I get Seventeen magazine every month. I really think it's a great magazine for teens. I used to get teen magazine, but I like seventeen more because it has more content. It has articles every teen can relate to. It gives advice for problems that teens face everyday.
Fashion-tells about the latest fashions, you know like what's in and what's not.
Beauty-gives ideas on makeup that doesn't cost a fortune, and new looks.
Boys-gives advice about relationship, and has fun little quizes.
Real Life-Questions teens ask and answers, traumarama(embarrassing moments), quizes, and articles that teens send in.
All Access-the scoop on the celebs, articles that celebs write, and interviews.
Fiction-Untrue stories about real teen issues.
Columns-Horoscopes, contests, and much more.
My favorite section is the Real Life sections. It has so much that teen can relate to. The stories can really change your life and the way you think about everything.
Another thing about this magazine that I love is the coupons. It has inserts every once in a while that can save you money on anything from clothes to makeup.
This magazine is well rounded on every topic and it's great for teens because they like to read it and it can teach them something at the same time.


Great for tips on fashion and beauty

I have been reading Seventeen for three years now and I have enjoyed the columns on fashion and beauty the most.They are very informative and I use Seventeen as a fashion guide for all seasons.Seventeen always has resources on where to find the things they advertise so you're not searching the mall for an hour and a half!That is one of the best things about this magazine because when you find a product you like,you always know where to find it.Although there are many other teen magazines such as Teen People,Twist,Teen,and YM I reccomend Seventeen.I really liked the article on GHB.It was very informative,and explains how to identify this
drug taken by teens at raves or parties.The article also explained it was a rape drug and you can die from taking it.Seventeen is a better magazine than Teen because it is much more informative on its products.


A Good Magazines For Teenage Girls

This magazine is one of the best on the market right now. I subscribe to Seventeen because every month I enjoy reading all the sections. I look forward to reading the Trauma Raumas. Everytime it comes in the mail I get excited because it is fun to read. It gives good advice about life and is very helpful with the ever changing styles. I rely on Seventeen to help me pick out the clothes and make up that will look the best on me. It is a very good magazine. It boosts teenage girls self esteem. It has pictures of all the popular stars. The stories are very good and can break your heart. But all in all it is the best magazine I have ever read.



I choose to buy this magazine because I feel that it really is in touch with teenagers. Some of the articles can really help on issues that only teens go through. I particularly like the sex and body questions because it allows teens to get information they need that they may be too embarrassed to ask an adult or a doctor and this allows the info. to get out and they remain anonymous.

This magazine is always hip on the latest fashions but sometimes i feel that they go over the top in their fashion spreads, they should concentrate more on what the average teen would actually wear, which the majority of the magazine does.

I also like Cosmopolitan but that is for the more mature. I recommend that every parent buy this magazine for their teenager monthly, honestly you will never know how much it can help them. My mother bought it for me and I learned so much about my body and how to be safe while out with friends and about dealing with peer pressure in a way that was hip and more useful than anything she could have told me herself. The teenage years are more private you don't want to talk to your parents about some situations and lord knows you can't depend on your friends for the right advice so this magazine is ideal for giving teens useful information. Oh yeah and it keeps us up on the latest fashions and young celebrities, what could be cooler than that :)!


Seventeen is great for All teens

I think that Seventeen magazine is a great magazine for teens. It discusses topics that we really need to know and talk about that sometimes our parents are a little wary about talking to us about. I also think that it is great that they have a column were you can ask really hard but important questions about your body and/or problems that you may have like alcohol and drug abuse and regular teen problems. They let the readers make the magazine. You can express your creativity and find out things about yourself and share with the problems of others and and how to handle problems like this. I don't think that seventeen ever discriminates anyone no matter size shape or color and I think that that is really important. This magazine gives good ideas for presents and beauty products for people even though sometimes they can be really expensive products and they always have great ideas for summer jobs that you could take up. Their quizzes also help you find out more about yourself and getting to know yourself is the best person in the world to know. Seventeen is a great magazine for teenage girls who are suffering from boy problems friends problems and girl problems who need some advice but don't know who to ask.


Wonderful Magazine For Teens

I enjoy this magazine because it has real life stories and quizzes. It has colored pictures and lengthy articles. Tiger Beat, On the other hand, has only pictures of celebrities and hardly any words. I liked this article "15 and pregnant". It was about a real life teen who had to deal with the pressure of life. She had chosen the wrong path, and ended up as a single mother. The purpose of this story is to tell other teen girls to turn their life around and choose the right path. Another thing I like about this magazine is that it shows the latest fashions and how to own them. It shows the latest fashion and accessories news. You may also want to look into Y.M. and TEEN magazines.


I have had this mag for years

I am 17 and have been getting this magazine since i was fourteen. I like this magazine because it has less ads in it then most other teen magazines like teen people for instance. Also I think this magazine is for teens around the age 15 or 16 because some of the articles are to old for young teens. This magazine has helpful hints for college and homework plus stories and articles about problems facing teens today. Plus it has products and fashions that would be great for most teens at a low price. I would definately recommend it even though it is some what pricy.


seventeen magazine, a true contribution to teen styles.

i have been subscribed to seventen magazine for 3 years now. i first purchased this magazine because i needed a few pointers on upcoming styles and fashions. i was amazed at how much this magazine tells you everything you need to know about fashion today. this magazine is a definate date prepper. if you have ever read "teen" or "twist" magazines, you will love seventeen magazines. you also get a lot of great discounts on cosmetics and clothing from stores such as old navy. seventeen magazine is really fun to read, and i espessially love the embarrasing moments. if you want to have a laugh without hurting anyone's feelings, you should definately try this magazine. if you buy and enjoy seventeen magazines, you can subscribe(there is an order form in the magazine almost every 20 pages!) or you can try another great magazine, a competitor with seventeen. the magazine is called "twist". this magazine is an awesome buy. you can buy this magazine anywhere magazines are sold.(yes, it is that popular.) please try it soon, i know you'll enjoy it.


This is the best one yet

Of all the magazines I subscribe to, this one is my absolute fave! I love to read through, what's hot and what's not and to see what all the celeb's are wearing these days. Trauma Rama is probably the funniest column ever, if you like to laugh at others expense :). Trauma Rama goes through accidents that people have had in their everyday life, clumsy misfortunes, lovesick/crush stories, they're hilarious!!! Even still, some of the articles and stories in the mag. are really heartwarming and touching! I love this magazine and would recommend it to everyone that likes fashion, humor and feeling great about yourselves.

