Reviews For Mothering Magazine

Definitely NOT Mainstream!

As a new parent, I hurriedly subscribed to all the traditional parenting magazines, but after a little parenting experience under my belt, I decided they weren't for me. Many of them pushed formula and bottle feeding as the "norm". Many advocated cribs either through their advertising or their "Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night In Three Weeks" kind of articles.

My husband bought a copy of Mothering for me. At first I thought it was a little "out there"....but as I began to develop my parenting persona, I found more and more of it resonating with me. Although I am not at either extreme of the Attachment Parenting (AP) continuum, more of this magazine clicks with me than any other. So I skip a couple of articles now and again, but overall, this is the parenting magazine that most closely matches my parenting style and affirms my non-traditional methods of childrearing.

Additionally, what I love most about the magazine is that it really responds to readers input and concerns and is constantly redefining itself. It is increasingly diverse in its opinions and definitely "not a dull moment" read!


A magazine for the New Age

I will never forget the day, I first laid eyes on this magazine. It made me feel normal again. After years of reading mainstream parenting magazines, it was refreshing to come upon, a magazine, with similar view on parenting.
As a parent who cloth diapers, family bed's, practice's child self weaning and attachment parenting, in general, this magazine has been great. Well thought out articles with actual facts to back them up. Wonderful editorials from a women, that has seen or heard most everything, that an alternative parent has.
You need information about vaccines, cloth diapers, food, environmental impacts on children, you will find it in this magazine. You will find that the articles are timeless ,and you will never throw away a copy of this magazine, but instead will keep it tucked away, for future reference.


If you want to know your options... this magazine. I don't agree with everything said in "Mothering." But I recommend that all parents read it, especially if all they've previously read are mainstream parenting magazines. Sometimes I feel that "Mothering" goes too far the other way, but that can be a good thing!

As a childbirth educator and student midwife, it is distressing to me to read any article that infers "This is the only way or the absolute best way." That message is loud and clear in mainstream magazines, but I believe it also comes across somewhat in "Mothering."

I prefer their articles on birthing-related issues to their parenting articles. I believe that their birthing-related articles help pregnant women make truly informed choices (even if those choices aren't what is espoused by "Mothering" as the best).

