Reviews For Mens Health Magazine

What More Could You Want?!

I have subscribed to MH for years and never tire of it. It offers a variety of topics for every taste from a man's perspective. THe workout sections are detailed and offer a great way to change your routine with every issue.
It also offers a good selection of advice jobs, relationships, fitness, diet, BEER and SEX. What
I give it as Christmas presents to my friends. They like it, too.
Give it to yourself or to the man in your life. You won't regret it.

One of my favs.....................

First off, I am not a health nut, I dont go to the gym; lets face it, I dont exercise like I should, or eat like I should. I am an active guy but I dont have regular workout plan. I do love this magazine though. I had bought a few from a local store every so often and had to order a subscription. Their regular articles are great, I really like the 3 sex ones, and all of the stats on men and women. The little add-on on almost every page giving a percent of the male popluation that has or hasnt done something or something is great.

The articles on health issues, say the prostate are very informative yet simple enough the average person can understand them. Yet even as a biochemist I find them captavating. I dont usually spend to much time reading the atricles on working out, as I dont really do that, although one day... There are articles on just about everything; gadgets, clothing, cars, getting ahead on the job, etc..... Everything you would want for a guy magazine, its just not the main focus. I have changed my diet from reading some of the articles. One thing you wont really find in here is politics, which is fine by me. Usually a magazine will pick one side or the other and completely turn me off of it, I think its better that they just stay out of it all together. One last little bit of info, there arnt a whole lot of ad's, as compared to other magazines. There are some at the beginning and end, but very few in the middle (as far as whole page ads go).

I highly recommend this for any guy out there. Even if you dont want to subscribe right away, go pick up a few issues from time to time at a store and give it a chance, it wont take long before you do subscribe.

how men's mag. should be

if you wanna subscripe in any magazine that you'll just get hooked to it and you'll be addict it to for the rest of your life then you are right on the target. men's health is the ultimate men's magazine. go ahead and subscribe and take my word for it " you are not waisting your money... you are investing in better health, life style, fashion and hey for sure better sex".

Full of Usefull Information

A friend introduced me to Men's Health a couple of years ago. I have been a regular reader since then. The primary reason that I read this magazine is because it motivates me. The interviews and articles are written in a way that encourages reader to engage in healthy lifestyle. For instance, a typical celebrity interview would include their favorite exercise, often with pictures.

The articles are informational and are written in simple English. I especially like their coverage of medical issues such as memory loss or diabetes. They provide prevention tips and support them by latest research.

This is not a fitness magazine. As the title suggest, it is about Men's Health - fitness, exercise, food, clothing, style, and habits - anything related to health. Overall, it is an excellent magazine.

A positive influence

I like Men's Health a lot, because it is one of the most practical, useful magazines I get. It covers fitness, diet, health (it is very big on prevention and self-diagnosis early, so as to avoid major health problems later), fashion (good stuff, trendy and basic, not latest-from-Paris kinds of stuff), relationships (carefully sneaked into a magazine that looks like it isn't about relationships -- clever, because men don't read magazines about relationship tips), finance, and other topics that come up. There are brief articles on each of these (this is the magazine I read while standing over the kitchen sink eating breakfast -- articles tend to be brief enough to finish in that period of time), and I appreciate the witty, upbeat style that is not pompous or pretentious, just good basic 'guy stuff'.

Alas, in each issue there is at least one article on 'how to drop five pounds this week' or 'how to lose 10 pounds by Easter' -- these look like they'll work and seem very reasonable, but I cannot comment on their effectiveness (would that I were able to!). I can comment on the effectiveness of time management, basic financial planning, and exercise routine advice -- these have worked for me. In fact, I credit many of the articles in this magazine with helping me to plan a graceful exit from my old job and into my new self-employment career and graduate school/seminary endeavour, by illustrating stories and giving useful advice.

There are also fun things, too, like a recent issue's back-page article on how to effectively tan, by the tan-master himself, George Hamilton. Do you know how to tie a bow-tie? This magazine had an article showing that, too.

This is not an 'in-depth' magazine, but then again, it doesn't pretend to be. Many of us work and live in a world that doesn't permit time-consuming research and consideration of essays on health and fitness, unless we are professional in that field. Thus, magazines like this fill a need. So far as health and fitness magazines are concerned, this one is a good one -- many magazines are veiled soft-core erotica. Men's Health does not avoid the topic of sex, but doesn't overplay it the way many do.

The magazine has a good graphic sense to it -- it illustrates the physical things discussed in photographs without as much embellishment as many other fitness magazines. Comparing this to several others on the magazine rack, it is understated, has less flash and more substance in the articles.

Definitely worth a look!

Better For Both Sexes

Men's Health is practical, entertaining and unapologetic for its views (anti-pc or not...!). Its articles are always fresh and innovative. As a woman, I buy this magazine for laughs but also for the really practical fitness tips inside--things that other 'Women's Health' magazines cannot provide without adding horrible bits of fluff and strange alliterative phrases like, "sporty spunks" (i.e. hot guys)or "babe-me-over beauty contest" (erm, stop it). Men's health is humorous, its writers are always working to find a different perspective, and there's a balance between fantasy and real-life in its articles. I'd buy this magazine for my father, my mother, my boyfriend, my brother, my sister etc. I'm sure more women are buying this magazine than are letting on.

My dad keeps getting me this

I am not an avid magazine reader so a number of these are still in the wrapping.

That being said, when I do crack into one, I've always been pleased... as evidenced by most pages being dog-eared ;)

I saw one reviewer mentioned getting this for a year and I agree... you'll get what you need out of a years' worth and if you love it after that, come back later.

Lots of good exercises, some great reasonable articles that encourage you explore more online.

May have seemed like it would be another quasi-misogynist man-rag but don't read those parts ;)
Just kidding, it's not offensive and has been surprisingly illuminating.

I keep meaning to tell my dad not to renew my gift subscription but when I flip through one, I always feel like I learned something I want to come back to.

Ordered this for a friend and no problems so far.

The Only Magazine that connected to you

I have many men magazine, none comes close to Men's Health. Some magazines are too glossy that spell "expensive" for what ever they wanted to promote. With Men's Health, I get to everything from A to Z. I always pass my old copies to my local library for their own collection.

My Little Secret

Whenever I visit my brother, I always steal his copies of Men's Health. I love the humor, wit and sarcasm of the editoral staff-unlike most women's magazine, Men's Health gives you straight-up nutritional advice that doesn't involves starving yourself. The relationship advice is great for women, as it gives us insight into how men think (well, sort of). Overall, for fitness, love, nutrition, mental and physical health, this is a great read for men and women alike.

Best Men's Magazine Ever!!!

All the info a man could possibly need to know on virtually every topic squeezed into one mag, awesome!!
